Certification Tests
Overview of the certification test tool
The G3-Alliance certification covers 3 main aspects : conformance, performance and 1-to-1 interoperability. In order to perform the associated tests, a certification test tool has been developed that is composed of a Tester and tests scenarios. This certification tests tool is used by the accredited certification laboratories to perform the required tests. Additional information on how the tests are done using this tool can be found in the tests specifications.
Latest release of the test tools for certification
The latest release of the certification test tools is version 7 which was issued on October 4th 2023. The reference version for certification version 7 is ITU G.9903 (08-2017) including Amendment 1 (05/21), Amendment 2 (03/23) and Corrigendum 1 (03/23) as published on https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-G.9903 , plus the following three changes:
– HYB_C_067: Clarification on Media Probing for PLC with valid tone-map
– HYB_C_068: Guard time for broadcast and slot alignment
– HYB_C_069: 802.15.4 Cor1 Reference.
This release of the G3-Alliance Certification covers key enhancements such as Frequency Hopping, Last Gasp, RF/PLC Media Switching Improvements and Trickle and Clusterhead support for the hybrid solution. Furtermore, this release of the certification also covers 915 MHz and 920 MHz RF bands. The following RF configurations are now included in the certification:
- 863 MHz band Mode #1
- 866 MHz band Mode #1
- 870 MHz band Mode #1
- 863 MHz band Mode #2
- 866 MHz band Mode #2
- 870 MHz band Mode #2
- 915 MHz band Mode #1
- 915-a MHz band Mode #1
- 915-b MHz band Mode #1
- 915-c MHz band Mode #1
- 919 MHz band Mode #1
- 920 MHz band Mode #1
- 920-b MHz band Mode #1
- 915 MHz band Mode #3
- 915-a MHz band Mode #4
- 915-b MHz band Mode #4
- 915-c MHz band Mode #4
- 919 MHz band Mode #4
- 920 MHz band Mode #6
- 920-b MHz band Mode #4
For the previous Certification Version (Version 6) there is a grace period of 1 month for platforms and 5 months for products. This means platform certifications who start testing from November 4th 2023, can only use certification version 7. Product certifications who start testing from March 4th 2024, can only use certification version 7. Projects starting testing before these dates, can use and be certified with certification version 6.
Test specifications
The latest test specification documents can be found in the table below.
Purchase the certification tests tool
To enable G3-Alliance members to prepare themselves for the conformance and performance testing, the certification tests tool to perform these tests can be purchased. Note that the equipment required for the performance testing, such as noise generator or spectrum analyser, have to be purchased separately. All the required information to build the performance test setup is included in the performance tests specification and the accredited laboratories can be contacted in case of specific questions. G3-Alliance members interested in buying the certification test tool, can contact Trialog using the following e-mail address: contact@trialog.com.