In March last year, the beta version of the 2022 specification was published. Later in 2022, interoperability was successfully demonstrated in several plugfests with Renesas, Semitech and Vertexcom and the other chip manufacturers among our members will join soon. Thanks to the hard work of all the active members in the technical working group, we are very pleased we have now published the final version of the G3-ALLIANCE 2022 specification. This final version contains multiple corrections, clarifications and enhancements to the beta version. Members of the G3-Alliance can download the specification from our website (please log in to before opening the link):

The 2022 revision includes:
- Frequency hopping
- Last gasp
- RF/PLC media switching improvements
- Trickle and Clusterhead support for hybrid
- New RF bands
- FCC sub banding
- Corrections & clarifications
The new version of the certification: As presented during the General Assembly in November last year, the new release of the certification referencing the 2022 specification is planned to be released in Q1 2023. We are now finalising the test tools for the new certification release and validation by the test labs will start soon.
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