Become a Member

A joint effort from all industry players is required for an effective and future-proof smart metering and smart grid solution. Be a part of enabling the smartest grid…together:

  • Participate in workshops and discussion boards on standards and applications
  • Share and discuss compliant product and service innovations
  • Develop compatible products and services
  • Execute G3-ALLIANCE pilots and deployments

Become a member of the G3-Alliance and work with the key stakeholders in the smart grid ecosystem, including utility companies, equipment and semiconductor manufacturers and R&D companies, to make a smarter grid.

Membership Categories and Criteria

Executive Members to define the strategy in the Strategic Steering Committee

Active Members to maintain, promote and assure the interoperability of the G3-Technologies in the workshops

Regular Members to boost and support the development and the use of new G3 products and projects


Criteria for Entry Executive Members Active Members Regular Members
Leaders in their sectors of activity, worldwide
Involved in a G3-Hybrid, G3-ALLIANCE or OFDM –PLC field tests ( as vendors or utilities)
Active contributor to the strategic road map of the Alliance
Having already proven skills in the development of Hybrid/PLC/ OFDM solution
Fully committed to implement /design /integrate “G3” solution, “G3” product or “G3” field tests
Showing a substantial turnover in the smart grid sector ( in $ or in percentage) to respond to the WS’s demanding involvement in human resources
Any candidates involved in the smart electricity sector

We are currently welcoming new Active Members and Regular Members to the Alliance. Join Now to complete a membership application.

Disclaimer: Completing the application does not guarantee membership. Admission to the G3-ALLIANCE Alliance requires a decision by the Strategic Steering Committee (SSC). Membership shall only become effective after signing the G3-Alliance Agreement and receipt of the annual membership fee. In addition to the application, the General Secretary or SSC may request further information to validate membership. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the General Secretary of the Alliance,

Request for membership

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